Orders placed through HabitAware.com ship within 3-5 business days via USPS First Class Mail within the United States. Delivery time will depend on your location, but most often, delivery takes places in 3-5 working days unless circumstances such as weather or other unexpected situations occur. After placing your order, you will receive an email with your order number and summary. When your order is packaged and labeled, you will receive a second email with a tracking number and link to track your package. Use this link to view your order's estimated arrival date and shipping progress. You may also sign up for delivery notifications with the carrier if you prefer.
Sometimes it takes 24-48 hours for the shipping information to update as USPS may not scan it into their system until the next work day. If you ordered from outside the United States, tracking will be provided by FedEx who will handle all customs clearance for you.
Sometimes a package shows it has been delivered before it has actually arrived. In this case, the package will typically be delivered in the 24-48 hours. Please contact us at support@habitaware.com if you have not received your package after it says delivered.